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What is Vastu ?


Vastu shastra is a science of the architecture of any structure. It distributes its influence using five natural elements i.e. Vayu, Jala, Prithvi, Akash and Agni. Vastu derives the positive energy from these active natural elements and do improvements that may be causing

a great damage to the occupants of the particular place. Vastu brings these energizing elements together, utilizes them for performing resurrection and ultimately revives the positive vibes for storing prosperity and joy.

Vastu Shastra is an ancient art and science of constructing a building. In Vastu Shastra, the building is constructed in such a manner that the people living there absorb the maximum benefits from Pancha Bhutas and the magnetic fields that surround them. Vastu Shastra creates a balanced environment and ensures good health, wealth and prosperity.

The awakening of continuous problems i.e. frequent health loss, stress, piling debt and regular quarrels in the house compel us to take the aid of Vastu because it is not a superstitious belief but a fact based on science. Vastu Shastra has certain well-defined rules according to which the negativity prevailing in the building can be transformed into positivity by implementing Vastu rules correctly and carefully.

If Vastu is applied properly it can prove to be boon by giving you all the amenities and pleasures of life. Many factors govern the life of human being, Vastu can’t change your fate; however it can give you joy and pleasures of life by simply transforming your sorrowful life just by altering the structure of your living place. Our destiny is out of our hand but if a person can only make his life better by taking care of these three essential factors.

Physically affects through Vastu

Good health


Convenience achieved by paying attention to place, ventilation, color, design, material, element and direction

Brings you harmony and fulfillment

Psychological benefits through Vastu

Unlocks the tensions

Improving well being

Reducing stress levels

Improvisation of relationships inwardly and outwardly

Upgrading health

Spiritual side of man also gets enhanced

Being originated from our ancient sacred text, the principles of Vastu provides a man the inner satisfaction which can’t be achieved through any other means.

Harmony is the main aim of any person to achieve at their living place and Vastu compliance place ensures to meet all the best possible affects a person is in need quest of.

History Of Vastu

In the Vedic period, people built homes, temples and hermitages with a view to have a peaceful and harmonious living. But, in the modern world people build concrete clusters, mainly for the high rate of return. This race to make buildings not in line with the ancient bye laws of nature has led the world into pollution, environment and ecological problems with no peace of mind under any kind of shelter.

Vastu Shilpa Shastra, the ancient mystic science and the art of designing and constructing buildings finds its origin in Stapatya Veda, which in turns is a part of Atharvana Veda, one of the four Vedas. Vedas are not new to the other parts of the world and there have been people of all levels who have appreciated the depth, inspirations and insight of Vedic thoughts for many years. Our saints knew various mysterious and mystics of this vast universe even before western scientist could start finding them out.

Vastu can also be found in the Mahabharata. The epic tells that when kings were invited to the city of Indraprastha, for the Rajasuya Yagna of King Yuddhistira. Vastu finds mention in Ramayana as well.

Vastu Principles

  • Leave more space on East than West and on North than South.
  • Dig the bore well at the Northeast of the plot. However, it shouldn’t be exactly on the diagonal drawn between Northeast and Southwest points.
  • Main door can be at eastern part of North or northern part of East or northern part of West or eastern part of South.
  • Main gate can be at same places mentioned above.
  • Kitchen should be at Southeast of the building.
  • Master bedroom can be at Southwest.
  • You can have a bedroom at northwest too.
  • Let the prayer room be at northeast.
  • Children’s bedroom can also be at northeast.
  • More weight should be at south side especially at southwest.
  • Less weight should be at North especially at northeast.
  • South should be slightly higher than the north.
  • Avoid constructing toilet at southwest and northeast corners.
  • Sump should be at north.
  • There must be windows on North and East mother walls of the building.

Five Elements of Vastu / Panchbhutas

Space /sky (Aakaasha)

is the unending region beyond Earth in which not only our Solar System but the entire Galaxy exists. It provides shelter to the other four elements. The effective forces of Space are light, heat, gravity, magnetic field and waves.

It is the unending (Anantha) regions remote from the Earth, in which not only our Solar System but the entire Galaxy (Brahmaan) exists. It's effective forces are light, heat, gravitational force and waves, magnetic field and others. Its main chactreistic is Shabda

Air (Vaayu)

The atmosphere above the Earth consists of Oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%) Carbon Dioxide, water vapour, Dust etc which are all essential for living things and even fire to flourish. Human physical comfort values are directly and sensitively dependent on correct humidity, air flow, temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content.

Air is the giver of life. Without air, we cannot survive. The ancient Hindu sages practiced meditation and managed to stay without food and water for long periods, but air was still a must. It is, therefore, but natural that we should pay some more attention to its deteriorating quality before it is too late.

Air is the most voluminous of all our surroundings and a component of the Pancha-mahabhut or the Five Basic Elements of the Universe. It is composed of a mixture of gases, water vapor, dust particles and other lightweight suspended polluting agents.

Fire (Agni)

It represents light and heat without which life will be extinct. It also represents days and nights, seasons, energy, lightning, volcanic heat and all other aspects of the Sun and the solar system. The enthusiasm, passion, vigour in living things are because of light and heat only.

The Fire element is said to indicate intellect, and Fire-shaped buildings would therefore be suitable for libraries, schools, and other places of learning. In commerce, design and fashion are possibilities. More obviously, manufacturing processes involving fore and furnaces, and less obviously, chemical processes, are categorized as belonging to the Fire element type. Livestock and (with metal) butchery are also classed under the fire element.

In the home, the kitchen stove is the seat of the Fire element.

Water (Jal)

Represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid (water), solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). It is a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen in the ratio of 2:1 and is perfectly neutral. Every plant and animal is composed of water in different proportions.

Water is another of our basic element, requiring careful study and observation. Nature has its own way of creating the fresh water that we need and depend on i.e. the rain water cycle. Today our drinking water supply is treated chemically with chlorine and fluorine. This water travels through metal or plastic pipes to reach our homes, losing energy and getting polluted on way off gassing from plastic, lead etc from pipelines. It enters the houses already polluted and is non-biodegradable when it leaves the house. This quality of water is finally absorbed in earth and ultimately the quality of underground water gets contaminated which gets recirculated. Thus degrading the quality of water and disturbing the ecobalance.

There was always a price to pay and often not only in terms of money, but in loss of personal health and personal energy as well as social and environmental damage. Unfortunately we become hooked into pollution ever more. People require understanding and develop the ability to respond to ecology in a logical way. The most successful way to fight pollution is to look at the unpleasant truth, right in front of us and raise awareness and the ability to respond and to create living spaces full of vital forces of five elements of life i.e. Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Space.

Earth (Bhumi)

Earth, the third planet in order from the Sun, is a big magnet with North and South poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has considerable effect on everything on the Earth, living and non-living. The Earth rotates about its axis from West to East, resulting in day and night. It revolves round the Sun once every year (365.25 days) and is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, because of which seasons are formed. Because of the Earth’s tilt, a year is divided into 2 periods – Uttaraayana from Jan 14 – July 15, when the Northern Hemisphere (India) is tilted towards the Sun and Dakshinaayana from July 16 – Jan 14, when the Southern Hemisphere (Australia) is tilted towards the Sun. In Uttarayaana, the days are longer than the nights and vice-versa during Dakshinaayana.

Vastushastra refers to energy fields that govern the EARTH. These energy fields can provide harmonious or disturbed conditions and are believed to flow through structures in a positive or negative manner having a direct impact on the lives of those using these spaces. In this context, the position of a plot, the direction it faces, the layout of the ground plan of a building and surrounding geographical features are crucial to the activating energy fields.

As electricity has its electro-stress, similarly these earth energies have their effect, which is termed ‘earth-stress’ or ‘geopathic stress’. These are the result of phenomena emanating from planet Earth itself, for it has its own electro-magnetic grid. Through various studies, it has been discovered that many cases of human illness and disease in animals, plants and trees were related to underground fissures and streams of water emitting energy vertically to the surface. Unusually high levels of natural electric currents occur where underground water fissures cross at different levels. The earth energies emanating in grids can be taken care of and healthy livable zone can be provided. The use of latest instrument, Lecher Antenna developed to measure these energies makes the detection easier and planning healthier.

The planets associated with the directions in Vaastu Shastra

East Ravi Sun
South East Shukra Venus
South Angaraka Mars
South West Rahu Dragon's Head
West Angaraka Shani
North West Chandra Moon
North Budha Mercury
North East Guru Ketu Jupiter Dragon's Tail

Vastu Directions

Other than the elements, the directions in Vastu Shastra are the most important factor of this ancient practice. When constructing a house, making sure that everything is in the right corner is of utmost importance and this is why it is necessary for people to know all about this. Here are the eight directions in Vastu Shastra and their specific characteristics:


East stands for sunrise, or new beginnings. It is very advantageous for people who are trying to end something bad and getting started with something new. It is the direction of prosperity. Here are the things in the house that can be in the Eastern part of the house or face the eastern direction: The entrances to the house, living room, study and the place of worship should face the East. Treasure boxes, lockers etc. should open towards the east to promote prosperity. No kitchen or toilet should be in the East. East direction should not be in a more elevated range than the West, South West and the North West directions.


West, is probably the most pitiable direction. Out of all the Vastu directions, this is the one that has more instructions for 'don'ts' than 'dos'. People who live in the western part of the house or have entrances opening to the west direction do not lead a happy life or a prosperous one. The western direction is the direction for women; however, even then the success of the woman will not be complete or really big. The west is the direction where the sun sets, which means that this direction is not really good for beginnings. There are the things that one needs to be aware of about the Western direction: It is better to have a staircase or a tank in the west than anything else. One could consider having an office here, as a second choice of offices, especially within the house. Store the garbage bins or build the garage in the Western direction of the house.


North is the direction that is best for the business people who are interested in applying some Vastu in their lives. The planet that rules over this direction is mercury, which makes it really beneficial for people to have offices in this direction. In fact, it has been found that the UV rays cast by the sun have the least negative effect in the northern parts, so having any open space in the northern area would be a good move. The North is really auspicious and the following steps have to be taken care of when one is trying to take advantage of Vastu for better life: Have the office in the north part of the house or the building for maximum success. It is better if there is a slope or elevation on the north side. Keep construction in the north to the minimum, so as to maintain the efficiency at highest. If there are perennial constructions in the North, prosperity will certainly vanish. Do not have any toilets or garbage bins in the North. Do not put any staircases in the north, for it can promote financial loss in one's life. Do not keep the kitchen in the Northern part of the house either.


The South is quite a contradictory direction. There is some fear among those who follow Vastu about this direction. This is because of the fact that there are mixed feelings about whether this direction works for people or not. Say, if one builds a house with a south facing entrance, they might be successful for the first few years, but after that the money will begin to stagnate and eventually start decreasing. Hence, it is better to use the south direction in cycles, so as to keep all the bad luck far away: Keep the south direction portion elevated compared to the rest of the house.Try keeping a tank or an overhead tank in the south portion.Put the staircase to the house in the southern part. Do not put a basement in the south direction. The kitchen and dining room should not be in this direction.


North-East is the direction of god. It is the most auspicious one and it is known to promote positive aspects in men and women. When taking care of the northern corner or side of the structure, remember the following details to take advantage of Vastu: Open spaces in the north-eastern direction is a good idea Having a slope in the North-Eastern area would be a smart step. Try having a street outside the entrance, especially if the entrance is in the North-East.


The North-West is the direction that handles interpersonal relationships. The kind of relationships people have with the other members of the family certainly depends on the same. Here are a few things that you would certainly have to keep in mind: There should be no underground water tank in the north- west part of the houseThe kitchen, the dining room and the master bedroom should certainly not be in this direction. No extensions should be made from this direction. Avoid having a basement in the North-Western part of your house.


South-East is the direction of the logical and reasoning person. Here are some of the important things you need to know about this direction: It is very beneficial to have the kitchen in this direction. Any electrical instruments, like TVs, motors, batteries, inverters, home theatre, etc. should be placed on the South- Eastern side of the room .Do not have a toilet or a tank in this direction.


This is the direction of the demons, the opposite of North-East. As a result of this, it can command the business field and the decisions made in that field. Here are some important things for you to keep in mind:Rent out the place in the south-west part of your house. Do not have any overhead tanks or basements in the South West for it promotes discord.

Vastu Energy

Vaastu aims at maximising the generation and accumulation of positive energy around the humans and minimise the negative energy. This is done by ensuring the abundance of the following:

  • Light or Agni - Sufficient natural light for comfortable living (essential to create energy.)
  • Air or Vaayu- Pure fresh air continuously blowing in and out of the house (essential to sustain energy.)
  • Water or Jal- For drinking and living (essential for life.)
  • Earth or Prithvi- Magnetism of the Earth poles affects our internal body.
  • Space or Aakash - Space is where energy is taken from.

Vastu is based on various natural energies which are available free of cost in atmosphere like solar energy from the sun and the lunar energy from the moon.

  • The Solar Energy
  • The Lunar Energy
  • The Electrical Energy
  • The Sky Energy
  • The Earth Energy
  • The Theramal Energy
  • The Light Energy
  • The Magnetic Energy
  • The Wind Energy
  • The Cosmic Energy

Utilization of these energies gives us happiness and prosperity in our lives as these energies dwell in the vastu based created home or any property.